Media Event with Dadi Janki

Dadi image**MEDIA RELEASE**

Spiritual Head of Worldwide Spiritual University Celebrates her 100th Birthday

INVITATION to meet Dadi Janki at a Press Reception at the Montcalm Hotel, London W1 Tuesday 12th January, 2016

11.00am (for 11.30am start until 12.30 pm)

Dadi Janki, who is still working full time as the Spiritual Head of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, celebrates her 100th birthday this month. Born in India in 1916 at a time when the birth of a girl was of such little consequence that the actual date wasn’t recorded, Dadi Janki has since more than made up for her un-celebrated beginnings.

From a very early age, she knew she wanted a spiritual life devoted to God and the care of others; as a young girl she attended Mahatma Gandhi’s prayer meetings. She served those who were much less advantaged than herself, encouraging them to adopt a vegetarian diet and also visiting people in prison. She also encouraged them in their love and devotion for God. At the age of 21, she escaped from an unwanted arranged marriage, turned her back on her wealthy background and joined the fledgling organisation which was to become the Brahma Kumaris (BKs) – the first spiritual organisation in India led by women.

In 1974, approaching 60 years of age, she was given the task of bringing the message of the BKs from India to the world – a message of how spiritual power can bring about inner resilience and transform societies. She set off (her first time outside India) with all her worldly possessions fitted into an Air India flight bag and arrived in London with no education, very little money, and as if that wasn’t enough – no knowledge of English. 42 years later, Dadi can still fit all her worldly possessions in an Air India flight bag and still speaks very little English, but with unshakeable faith and unbreakable love for God, she has spectacularly accomplished her task.

Due to Dadi’s vision, faith in God, strength and courage the Brahma Kumaris has grown to become a hugely respected organisation throughout the world. It plays a key role on the international stage at the highest level and inspires individuals from all backgrounds to find practical ways of bringing spirituality into everyday life. Through her tireless efforts, the work of the Brahma Kumaris, which relies simply on the economy of giving, now has Brahma Kumaris centres in over 100 countries. Dadi has clocked up, last year alone, almost 50,000 air miles as she still travels the world, giving support and wisdom and being an outstanding example of a woman spiritual leader in the modern era.


Contact Event Press Officers: Gina Lazenby (07802 331112) or

Philippa Blackham (07758 228919)

Event venue: Montcalm Hotel, 2 Wallenberg Place, London W1H 7TN (Marble Arch) Issued January 6th, 2016

Registered Charity No. 269971 (England & Wales) / SC040512 (Scotland)

Even though Dadi Janki is a centenarian, she can still be found on social media:

Programme for Private Reception on Tuesday January 12th, 2016.

11.00am Arrive at Montcalm Hotel, join us for refreshments.

11.30am Briefing begins. Sister Jayanti is introduced. She is the European Director for the Brahma Kumaris and is the organisation’s representative at the United Nations in Geneva. She has worked alongside Dadi & been mentored by her since around 1970.

12.15pm Dadi Janki joins our gathering. An opportunity to see her speak in this small intimate gathering. She will give a traditional BK blessing.

12.30pm Departures. Thank you. Please take a copy of the newly published book “Dadi Janki – A Century of Service” by Liz Hodgkinson.

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